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Our magazine: the Friendship Flitsen

Unfortunately the 'FRIENDSHIP FLITSEN', it appears 3 to 4 times a year, is written in Dutch. Sometimes there is a English article. In that case it will also be published here.

A lot of articles is written by our own members, and inescapable by the members of the board. Those articles goes about the announcement of our yearly events, or our annual members meeting, which we are required to keep under our statutes. They also publish the necessary documents about finances and other planning. And sometimes they report on our events. Although we prefer our members to do so. We think it is important to know how they experienced the events.
Most of the members like to share their holiday stories with us. We are happy with that.

Sometimes a member writes an interesting technical article, about maintenance of his ship, or improvements or installation of new accessories. See for that the page about Downloads & Links.

We would like to invite You to write something about your experience with your boat, of course in English. We will publish it in our magazine, and of course on this page. You know, your not the only English speaking member, and not the only Sailor in a Friendship in England. We like to hear from You. Of course it's your choice!

If You like this, and want's to be a member, it's not so bad idea, go to the Contact-page. It's easy.

On this moment you can download the Friendship Flitsen, see below. But we prefer to have the space filled with English articles. We'll wait and see.


It is possible to place an advertisement in our magazine. For members it is free. Others pay a little fee.

Please contact our editor if You are interested.

At the request of a number of members, more (older) Friendship Flitsen can be downloaded from the site now.

The program that created the site now also offers a more secure way to download the files. A download is now no longer available in a new browser window! You can find it in the folder where your downloads are located.

The following Friendship Flitsen are available for download, size about 2-5 Mb:

Flitsen 2021 nr. 2 

Flitsen 2021 nr. 1 

Flitsen 2020 nr. 3

Flitsen 2020 nr. 2

Flitsen 2020 nr. 1

Flitsen 2019 nr. 3

Flitsen 2019 nr. 2

Flitsen 2019 nr. 1

Flitsen 2018 nr. 3

Flitsen 2018 nr. 2

Flitsen 2018 nr. 1

Flitsen 2017 nr. 3

Flitsen 2017 nr. 2

Flitsen 2017 nr. 1

Flitsen 2016 nr. 3

Flitsen 2016 nr. 2

Flitsen 2016 nr. 1


Composition and editing is provided by Jeroen Haagsman

If you would also like to contribute to the Friendship Flitsen, a travel story or an article about sailing in general or about maintenance and the like, please contact the editor or send him your contribution.

Jeroen Haagsman, Rijngaarde 19, 2411 EV BODEGRAVEN, tel. +31 6 53 40 13 81 of email naar dit adres.