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Here You find some technical articles from our magazine, the Friendship Flitsen, and some really interesting Links


bukh Bukh electric scheme Wiring diagram: accu, engine panel, alternator starter, etc
bukh Sail drive article  Changing a sail drive seal. English article.
bukh Change a sail drive seal Dutch article about changing a sail drive seal.
bukh Workshop manual Volvo MB2 workshop manual.
Ramen-fs28 Leaking windows at FS 28 It is not a simple job, but so You can do it (Dutch).
MK3 Installation of waste water tank on an FS 28 Mk3 Manual and photo report.
RM69 RM69 waste water tank Installing the tank around the toilet bowl.
FS The brochures of the new friendships New Friendships from the now bankrupt yard in Lemmer



Technical articles

Refurbish polyester How do You refurbish a Esfix?
Built in a waste water tank by a FS 26 What do You need and ho do You do that?
New technique.pdf New technique TV and the weather er on the boat and wifi
Keerkoppeling Volvo Penta 2000 serie Usefull advice: check when You will replace the sail driveseal
RAL colors Which RAL-color does my Friendship have?
FS 23 the stirring blade How to make a new stirring blade for a FS23?
A New Tiller? How to replace the tiller?
Window seals  Where can I get window seals?
Underwater ship Osmosis? The story of the discovery and what do you do about it?
Wind strength conversion table.pdf Beaufort - knots - meter/second - km/hour


Interesting links Sailing tips. The site of the last yard where the Friendship is no longer being built, but parts are still available. You are referred.
Tide tables NL High- and lowwater in the Netherlands
KNMI Maritiem Shipping weather forecast, coastal and North Sea warnings
Watersportverbond The only association in the Netherlands that is involved in water sports
Staandemastroute The brochure of the Standing Mast Route
Operating times bridges and locks Download the PDF on this internetpage (yearly refreshed)
Positions of buoys Download the Exceltable of the floating markers
Forum Volvo Penta English forum.
Telecom agency (gov.) What you need to know about the VHF radio.
Watersport almanak Boating information, water sports shop, marinas


Instruction book Bukh on request from webmaster.



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