Ordering the club pennant - Board - Registration - Contact
Ordering the club pennant - Attention! Only for menbers of the IFC. 
In this way You can order a new club pennant. Fill in the form below and pay the € 12 to the: Internationale Friendship Club. The amount is including postage. That works easier and faster!
The International Friendship Club has a Board consisting of a president, secretary, treasurer and other board members.
The current board is composed as follows:
I F C - Board |
Function |
Name |
Address |
Telephfone |
President | Jan Salverda | Frans Halsstraat 8, 74821 XN HAAKSBERGEN |
06-51992085 |
Board member and member administration | Louis Vink | Beukenlaan 43, 2451 XJ LEIMUIDEN | 06-22896644 |
Secretary | Gerard Daniels | Paltzerweg 267, 3734 CM DEN DOLDER |
06-10157427 |
Treasurer | Herman Hemerik | Pr. van Lignestraat 18, 2274 KR VOORBURG |
070-3876458 |
Board member general | Imko Vroom | Stokebrand 490, 7206 ES ZUTPHEN | 06-53229314 |
Board member and editorial Flitsen | Jeroen Haagsman | Rijngaarde 19, 2411 EV BODEGRAVEN |
06-53401381 |
Mailing address IFC: Dhr. G. Daniels, Paltzerweg 267, 3734 CM DEN DOLDER
Do You want to be a member of the IFC, please use this Registration form:
Registration form membership IFC
Website management: do You have any questions or remarks about the website? Email to the webmaster.
Do You have any questions about the menbership? Email to the administration.